Dusek Tree - Person Sheet
NameFrantiška Dušková
Birthca 1832, Dolní Dobrouč, Bohemia, Austrian Empire1256
Birth16 Apr 1824, Dvorek, Bohemia, Austrian Empire1256,1255
Occupationpotter, trubkař (trumpet maker/player), chalupník (small farmer/peasant)1044,1044
Marriage4 Feb 1852, Dolní Dobrouč, Bohemia, Austrian Empire1256
Marr Memoby Josef Tupec chaplain
Notes for Františka Dušková
from Dolní Dobrouč
1044,1256That the father of the underaged forenamed bride consents to this marriage, in the presence of two co-signed witnesses, confirms its own signature Franc Dussek the bride’s father.
The marriage documents numbers 1, 2, 3 can be found in the parish archive register number 5, volume 21.
Witnesses: Karel Ryssavj (Ryšavý) domkař (cottager) from Dolní Dobrouč #270
Bernard Dušek rolnik (peasant) from Dolní Dobrouč #33