Jareš Josef domkař (cottager) potter from Dolní Dobrouč #340
Note: With approval from municipal board of directors of Dolní Dobrouč from 22 January 1852 number 7, and after triple banns performed on the 25th of January, 1st and 2nd of February of this year were married by me Josef Tupec chaplain.
1256Jareš Josef, Catholic, domkář (cottager) and potter master from Dolní Dobrouč #340.
1257House #340, Dolní Dobrouč
Josef is referred to as a trubkař, which can be a pipe-maker/plumber or a trumpet-maker/player (most likely).
1044Home at birth in Dvorek
Name of child: Jozef p
ěstoun (Jozef the foster father)
Midwife: Kate
řina Tegkl (Tejkl) local
Baptized by: Father Franz
Čzermak auxiliary parson
Filiation: legitimate
Godparents and status: Frantissek Dole
čzek (František Dole
ček), lad, gamekeeper, local
Frantisska Hinek sedlka (peasant’s wife) local
Note: birth certificate on 24 February 1852
birth certificate on 20 July 1941?