Dusek Tree - Person Sheet
NameJose Maria Guzman
Residence1870, Precinct 2, Hidalgo, Co., Texas, USA1555
Residence1880, Derramadero Rancho, Hidalgo Co., Texas, USA1556
Notes for Jose Maria Guzman
Jose Maria was a stock raiser (also in 1880) and could not read or write, according to the 1870 US Census. He lived with his wife and 7 children at the time. According to 1870 census he was born in Texas, 1880 census states he and his parents were born in Mexico, son’s 1900 census (Celso) states parents born in Mexico.
1555,1556,1557He was likely born in Mexican Texas.
Date of birth about 1828 based on 1880 US Census.