Dusek Tree - Person Sheet
NameJan Jiří Stehlík
Birthbef 13 May 1688, Dolní Dobrouč, Kingdom of Bohemia, Habsburg Empire1521
Baptism13 May 1688, Dolní Dobrouč, Kingdom of Bohemia, Habsburg Empire1521
Notes for Jan Jiří Stehlík
Village and date: from Dolní Dobrouč on the 13th of May 1688
Parents: was baptized of (father) Jiří Stehlík, of mother Valburga (old German name, in German can be Walburg(a), Waldburga, Walpurga)
Children: Jan Jiří
Godparents: Godparent: Pavel Bureš, Jan Stránský and Marie wife of Pavel Kovář